Wednesday, October 17, 2018

How did I get here?

I've known Jan Cameron a long time. Since college. In fact she, and her husband Wink, are some of my wife Lorrie, and I's best friends.
Some fourteen years ago Jan announced that she had fulfilled a life long dream and bought a Ford Model T. As a child she had told her father that she was going to own one and now she had achieved that dream.
My wife and I were quite envious, (this was in the days before I had bought my first classic car, the 1976 MGB that I still have). We thought it would be great to have an old classic car, and you can't get much more classic than the Model T, the car that shaped America.
Every year we'd drive up to Ashland, WI from mid Minnesota to visit, we'd see the car, take rides in it, gaze longingly at it, and generally be quite envious. Several times we mentioned that if she was ever going to sell it, then she should consider us as potential buyers. Not that we thought we'd ever be able to afford something like a Model T, I didn't think she'd ever part with it anyway. I was convinced that she would keep it until her dying day and then it would go to a family member.
Above: I'd take photo's and sepia tone them for fun.
Below: A video of one of Lorrie's rides in "Liz"

Jan, being a historian, has gathered some information on the history of the car and I'll share that in later posts. Under her ownership Liz, as the car was named, had been used as a fundraising tool for the Ashland Historical Society. For a donation to the society, she would give people rides around town. Over the years Jan and Liz raised about $12,000 for the society. Jan became known as "The Model T Lady".
The years went on, and at the end of 2017, Jan announced that she was ready to sell. She'd have one last summer of driving in 2018 and that would be it. Much to our surprise I got first refusal on her. All those years of hints must have paid off. I still had no idea if I could even afford one though.
"Why don't you use the money your Granny left you?" Lorrie suggested. My Grandmother had passed away about a year previously and had left me some money. I did some research, asked Jan what she was looking for for the car, and the two amounts were very close. You'll notice that it was my wife that suggested this. I tend to refer to it as my car. But it was very much a "we" decision, and I might get into trouble it I refer to it as "my" car too often.
The plan was that I'd spend some time in the summer learning to drive the vehicle and then have her transported to her new home on the Prairies of Minnesota in the fall. Unfortunately things didn't go as planned over the summer and as a result I don't have anything like as much driving experience as I'd like. But I can make it go in a straight line, around corners and stop it too. So that's something. My feet want to go to pedals that aren't there. But I'll get there.
The day of the final test drive.
On October 14th I wrote the cheque and The Model T is officially mine. Now I'm just waiting for it to arrive from Wisconsin. I've cleared some room in the garage for it. It's a small car, it doesn't need much room. But I'll probably need as much room for all the spares coming with it too.
The car should be here in about 10 days as I write this. The days are going by too slowly.

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